About Astrology

You came into this world with a map to guide your journey. That map is your astrological chart. It describes your life mission: the experiences you need to be happy, vital and fulfilled, and paints a picture of who you are here to become.

Souljoy Consulting offers personal empowerment via Evolutionary Astrology.

What is Evolutionary Astrology ?

The short answer is, a flavor of Astrology that presumes that we are here to “evolve”, and further, that an astrological birth chart gives specific instructions on what you,personally, need in order to grow.

Evolutionary Astrology (EA) generally assumes that human beings contain something in ourselves that is not limited to the body we have. For convenience, EA usually refers to the mysterious something as our “Soul”.

EA also assumes that the soul remembers. Remembers the feelings from what I’ll loosely call a ‘past life’. The bottom line is that we are influenced and shaped by feelings and emotions that predate our physical body. EA Astrologers put a lot of emphasis on describing these old patterns, how the influence you, for good and ill, and what to do to move past the old conditioning of the patterns. This last is considered to be the deep purpose of your soul, and is described in the birth chart as the Moon’s North Node.

So, the practical bottom line is that an Evolutionary Astrology reading will explicitly talk about the Nodes of the Moon as a key to understanding your ‘past lives’, their influence on who you are now, and your soul’s plan for your growth in this life.

Want to know more about your soul’s purpose ? Consider a Life Purpose astrology session.